
Hi there.

In the Lupus is a place to find information on Lupus, including my experience dealing with the highs and lows, doctors and tests, aches and victories of life with Lupus.

Thanks for reading! Come back soon–and let me know what you think, and how you’re feeling;

I want you to stay InTheLupus!


2 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Donielle,

    I came across your blog while doing some research for a client- I loved what I saw. Its great how you talk about your own struggles with your disease. I think its really helps people learn from your experiences and know they are not alone. I especially like your method of posting information about your doctor’s appointments. The good bad and ugly its very clever idea that I might consider using in my own blog.

    As I was reading your articles, I thought of a story idea that I think would fit in perfectly with your blog. As you may know May is Lupus awareness month. Lupus can be a very debilating disease for those that suffer from it. This cause is one that is very close to my heart because a close friend of mine has lupus. I have seen all the struggles she has gone through dealing with this disease. I work for a website called Goodshop a coupons for good company based in San Francisco. We have partnered with Lupus cause to help bring more awareness about this disease and raise more money to research a cure.

    Lupus cause is having a great event that we are trying to get the word out about. Details about event.

    If you’re interested in the story, I am happy to send you some more details.



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